偶滴歌神啊欧弟哪期播 欧弟Moves Like Jagge歌词试听 [非常娱乐]
2016-08-29 13:29:40 | 来源:爱瞎玩网 | 投稿:佚名 | 编辑:dations

原标题:偶滴歌神啊欧弟哪期播 欧弟Moves Like Jagge歌词试听 [非常娱乐]

偶滴歌神啊欧弟哪期播 欧弟Moves Like Jagge歌词试听 [非常娱乐]

偶滴歌神啊欧弟哪期播 欧弟Moves Like Jagge歌词试听



据了解到,欧弟在节目中所唱的歌曲是歌手Maroon 5演唱的《 Moves Like Jagger 》一同来欣赏下吧!

Maroon 5《Moves Like Jagger》歌词

Just you shoot for the stars

If it feels right

And in for my heart

If you feel like

Can take me away

And make it okay

I swear i'll behave

You wanted control

Sure we waited

I put on a show

Now I make it

You say i'm a kid

My ego is big

I don't give a sh*t

And it goes like this

Take me by the tongue

And i'll know you

Kiss til you're drunk

And i'll show you

Want the moves like jagger

I got the moves like jagger

I got the mooooooves like jagger

I don't even try to control you

Look into my eyes and i'll own you

With the moves like jagger

I got the moves like jagger

I got the mooooooves like jagger

Baby it's hard

And it feel like you're broken in scar

Nothing feels right

But when you're with me

I make you believe

That i've got the key

So get in the car

We can ride it

Wherever you want

Get inside it

And you want to stir

But i'm shifting gears

I'll take it from here

And it goes like this

Take me by the tongue

And i'll know you

Kiss til you're drunk

And i'll show you

Want the moves like jagger

I got the moves like jagger

I got the mooooooves like jagger

I don't even try to control you

Look into my eyes and i'll own you

With the moves like jagger

I got the moves like jagger

I got the mooooooves like jagger

You want to know how to make me smile

Take control, own me just for the night

But if I share my secret

You gonna have to keep it

Nobody else can see this

So watch and learn

I won't show you twice

Head to toe, ooh baby, roll me right

But if I share my secret

You gonna have to keep it

Nobody else can see this

And it goes like this

Take me by the tongue

And i'll know you

Kiss til you're drunk

And i'll show you

Want the moves like jagger

I got the moves like jagger

I got the mooooooves like jagger

I don't even try to control you

Look into my eyes and i'll own you

With the moves like jagger

I got the moves like jagger

I got the mooooooves like jagger



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