亲爱的翻译官背景音乐原声插曲在线听歌 [非常娱乐]
2016-05-25 15:51:58 | 来源:爱瞎玩网 | 投稿:佚名 | 编辑:dations

原标题:亲爱的翻译官背景音乐原声插曲在线听歌 [非常娱乐]

亲爱的翻译官背景音乐原声插曲在线听歌 [非常娱乐]


Cheri 你有没有在想我

怎么一想到你 我就不知所措

Cheri 从遇见你那天起

我是不是 就深深爱上了你

Cheri 你有没有话对我说

你一个眼神 我便无法挣脱

Cheri 从这一刻起

我可能永远 也逃不掉了

不管爱你 值不值得


不管是 对错的选择

只要爱了 就不会割舍

Mon Cheri 抱着我


Mon Cheri 看着我

一句et aime就足够

Mon Cheri 相信我



Mon Cheri

Mon Cheri



爱像奔跑的蜗牛 晃悠悠

  背囊里预备的温柔 精心保留

  在拥挤人群里等候 频频回首

  直到你 出现 才罢休

  离开 我的界限

  你是 我的终点

  未来 多少冒险 不后退

  永远 不算远

  爱情的旅途 要攀登多久


  有时是朋友 有时像对手


  慢慢的爱情 慢慢的相守


  遇见你后的城市 大了点

  像是击中我的弱点 你是痛点

  再不愿停留在原地 一圈一圈

  等等我 去追 你的时间

  离开 我的界限

  你是 我的终点

  未来 多少冒险 不后退

  永远 不算远

  爱情的旅途 要攀登多久


  有时是朋友 有时像对手


  慢慢的爱情 慢慢的相守



是从哪天懂得 不再无话不谈

是从哪天开始 拥抱变得为难

情人间的婉转 刺耳像是了断

心事交换 成为 一种负担







收好遗憾 我能够习惯

不再期盼 我还有你陪伴

是从哪天终于 没人觉得伤感

是从哪天学会 把无奈全隐瞒

情人间的婉转 把回忆都刺穿

就算遗憾 也就 只能遗憾







收好遗憾 我能够习惯

不再期盼 我还有你陪伴







收好遗憾 我能够习惯

不再期盼 我还有你陪伴

亲爱的翻译英文插曲Bastian Baker《I’d sing for you》

Follow me, follow me you know

That I could be the one for you

I could save you from your hurt

You could leave this crazy Earth

When society's too dirty for your dreams

And you're unhappy with your day-to-day life

You could be my other half

and I'd sing for you

You'd sing for me

And the distance is not true

When we know it's me and you

and I'd sing for you

You'd sing for me

We'd be sharing all and more

We would love without discord

leave a town, leave a town of fear

Your enemies are hiding near

Mountains are our empty spaces

There will be no one who'll say

I got to work I'm growing old

And all I'm looking for is gold”

There you'll hear the silence sing

I swear it's a perfect thing

I'd sing for you

You'd sing for me

And the distance is not true

When we know it's me and you

I'd sing for you

You'd sing for me

We'd be sharing all and more

We would love without discord

Just the two of us lost somewhere in the US

Would be a dream come true…

so I'll ride the train, the bus, take a plane

I'll never stop

Just to be with you…

I'd sing for you

You'd sing for me

And the distance is not true

When we know it's me and you

I'd sing for you

You'd sing for me

And the distance is not true

When we know it's me and you

I'd sing for you

You'd sing for me

We'd be sharing all and more

We would love without discord

I'd sing for you

You'd sing for me

And the distance is not true

When we know it's me and you…

亲爱的翻译英文插曲Bastian Baker 《79 Clinton Street》

If you take my hand i'll be the King of the world.

And if you take my hand you'll be my lovely girl

If you take my hand i'll be the King of the world.

And if you take my hand

Lower east side, the midnight lights.

A man is hangin', the law's not on his side

Tonight I won't buy his pills.

I guess I spent too much on my Big Apple bill

A friend and I went out for dinner.

I had Italian food; he went with a burger.

With spicy sauce on a precipice of lips,

He's raring to go to the club I already miss.

So if you take my hand i'll be the king of the world

And if you take my hand you'll be my lovely girl

And if you take my hand i'll be the king of the world

And if you take my hand

You take my hand

We're walking fast, Meatpacking is waiting.

In a yellow cab we start flirting.

She's sweet and sexy, my friend can't take her charm,

Let's see who'll be the first snuggled in her arms.

Eleven dollars, I can afford this,

I gave a good tip, like I'd promised.

Elevator elevates us to the highest floor,

In as second we'll be knocking on the club's front door.

I think back to my life and I beg.

Give me more! Give me more! Give me more Give me more!

Casue if you take my hand ill be the king of the world

And if you take my hand you'll be my lovely girl

If you take my hand i'll be the King of the world.

And if you take my hand well

You take my hand

Ohh you take my hand

Ohh you take my hand

So if you take my hand i'll be the king of the world

And if you take my hand you'll be my lovely girl

And if you take my hand i'll be the king of the world

And if you take my hand

You take my hand

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