2015-12-20 13:45:21 | 来源:新浪微博 | 投稿:MaozIsrael | 编辑:小柯





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Matt. 5:38-42 “But I tell you not to resist an evil person.But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. If anyone wants to sue you and take away your tunic, let him have your cloak also. And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two. Give to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away.” Was this an Old Testament teaching? Is Jesus’ teaching us to have no boundaries in this verse? Many unbelievers see that as a weakness. When are boundaries necessary?


These verses are following the Sermon on the Mount and are comparing the Spirit of the Law to the Letter of the Law. As it states in Matt. 5:11-12 ”Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven. For so they persecuted the prophets who were before you". These verses are talking about injustice being done to you, and how you are to respond in a Godly manner. The Bible is not saying here to not defend yourself or not to be wise. The scriptures, however, set guidelines on how we should approach difficult/challenging situations. The continuing verses address various situations and conflicts. The main principle here is "What is the best way to redeem the situation and the person?"

马太福音5:38 提到:你们听说:“要以眼还眼,以牙还牙。”一般人的理解就是当有一个人让你失去了一只眼睛,你就有权利让他们也失去他们的眼睛。但是耶稣明确的表示,不要抵抗或报复伤害你的人。另一种更好的翻译版本是:如果一个人导致另一个人失去了他的眼睛,那幺那个使另一个人失去眼睛的人……那个人要搭上自己的眼睛,用任何可能的方式来帮助那位失去眼睛的人。由此两个失去眼睛的人都没有获得任何好处。

In Matt 5:38 it states: "You've heard that it is said ‘an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth’”. The average person's common understanding is that if someone causes you to lose an eye, you have a right to cause them to lose their eye. But Yeshua made it clear that you shall not resist or have revenge against the person who has done you evil. The better interpretation of that scripture is that if a person causes another person to lose his eye, then the person that caused the loss of the other person's eye will help that person by using his own eyes to assist the other person's disability in whatever way possible. There is no benefit in both persons losing an eye.

上帝的方式总是会改善处境,而并非因受伤的回应或报复而使处境更糟糕。如 申命记32:35-36所说:“耶和华说“伸冤在我……”。

Godly solutions always move to improve the situation, not cause the situation to deteriorate by a wounded response or revenge. As is quoted in scriptures: "vengeance is mine…says the Lord" Deut. 32:35-36.


Matt. 5:39 continues with "whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.…" these verses are all in the context of the challenges you have with your heavenly kingdom behavior. It repeats it again with the cloak, all in the context of your faith. These verses are talking about being willing to accept the consequences for your faith.

举个例子,在使徒行传23:1-3:保罗定睛看着公会的人,说:“弟兄们!我在 上帝面前,行事为人都是凭着良心,直到今日。”大祭司亚拿尼亚就吩咐站在他旁边的人打他的嘴。保罗对他说:“你这粉饰的墙,上帝要击打你!你坐堂为的是按律法审问我,你竟违背律法,吩咐人打我吗?”保罗在挨打时的回应不是被动的,也不是复仇和反动性的。他是根据已经记载的神的话来回应,尽管他人违背律法打他的脸,保罗并没有在身体上进行报复,保罗按照耶稣在多次场合中所说的话进行了回应。不用说,保罗是很沮丧的,但他的回应却是根据圣经 ,以弗所书4:26 “生气却不要犯罪”。

Acts 23:1-3, for example: "Then Paul, looking earnestly at the council, said, “Men and brethren, I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day.” And the high priest Ananias commanded those who stood by him to strike him on the mouth. Then Paul said to him, “God will strike you, you whitewashed wall! For you sit to judge me according to the law, and do you command me to be struck contrary to the law?” Paul's response when slapped, was not passive but was also not vengeful and reactive. He responded according to the written Word and did not retaliate physically though they unjustly struck him on his face. He responded using the written Word as did Yeshua on many occasions. Paul was needless-to-say very upset, but again, he responded according to the written Word "Be angry but do not sin" Eph. 4:26.


As I look back on various situations and events in my life I had the opportunity to turn the other cheek and I am grateful that I did so. God also has sovereignly redeemed many of those situations.








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