2015-12-02 08:20:49 | 来源:新浪微博 | 投稿:虚空公子看虚空 | 编辑:小柯


And They Come Storming In

I don’t know how long we’ve been down here. There is no sun, and no one has a watch. It doesn’t matter anyway; it’s not like we have anywhere to be. There might not be anywhere left to be. The green fields of England and the world, for that matter, are surely gone.

There are six of us left. Until yesterday there were seven. The noises have gone now. It’s easier to sleep now that the banging has stopped, and the screaming. The incessant screaming, making us question our sanity. Making us wonder if we were still human.

Trying to think of something else, I look around the room. It’s round, with the rapidly diminishing supply of food in the middle, so everyone can keep an eye on it. Four men and two women. Only enough food for three, maybe four meals. At one point, this place was our workplace, sometimes even our home. Now it is our prison. There is nothing to do, so we just stare.

There are no beds. Only what we could find; piles of blankets and old cardboard boxes. There's a bathroom at the other end of the complex that still has running water. There are three other rooms, rooms filled with the latest technology, the best computers and lab equipment on the market. They have all accumulated a fine layer of dust. We somehow still have power, so all the lights still work, but all the computers were locked as soon as we realised what was going on, and the emergency protocol was initiated. Any contact with the outside world is impossible, and prohibited.

We worked for ChemCo, the largest producer of food left in the world, making a formula that would “improve the lives of everyone in the world”. Somehow, a chemical was leaked, and the results were fatal. People who came into contact with the chemical succumbed to vomiting, mild at first, then intense, until there was nothing left to vomit except their own blood. No one lasted for more than a couple hours once they had touched the chemical. It also spread through vomit and blood, so those who come into contact with even a single drop are doomed. We had to remove that woman because we saw her vomiting in the toilet. She said it was just morning sickness because she was pregnant, but we couldn't take any risks. Her boyfriend, Barry, tried to stop us, but we knocked him out, and tied him to a pipe at one end of the room. He tries to break his bonds, and screams sometimes. He needs to be fed, but no one wants to do it. He's another mouth that we can't afford.

Everyone is on edge, jumping at every movement. No one knows what’s going to happen next, but we all know that we will die down here, and there is nothing that we can do about it. The truth just eats away at the back of our minds.

Barry died while I was asleep. It’s been awhile since the incident with the sick woman, and our food has run out. I try to go back to sleep, but my pangs of hunger are stopping me. Eventually, I doze off into a world filled with nightmares.

When I wake up, I can see three of the other survivors huddled up at the other side of the room, talking quietly. When they notice that I'm awake, they stop, and turn to look at me. I suddenly realise their intent and stand up. As I do so, so do they. They barely look human, as if their hunger turned them into vicious creatures. A man I can identify as James comes rushing towards me. I jump out of the way, and he crashes into the wall. I turn towards the door, but the other two are blocking it. In a moment of pure instinct, I rush towards them arms flailing, attempting to distract them for one minute. They look confused, and, seizing the moment, I run through them, into the corridor. I go to the first room I find, the old computer room, and pile chairs and desks in front of the door, hoping my barricade will keep the others out. A pang of hunger hits me, and I look through the drawers, looking for anything to eat. To my delight, I find a chocolate bar, thanking the one that had a sweet tooth. I hear a flush at the other end of the complex. The other man, Jack, must be doing his business. He comes towards me, and I try to scream, but all that comes out is a hollow rasping. James comes up behind him and starts smashing his head against the window, until it is just a bloodied pulp. I turn, so I don't have to witness it, but it is too late. Jack is gone, and I'm next. I'm already hungry again, but the other three have left me alone for the time being, but I know they will be back. I sit facing the window, so I can see them if they come near. I try to not go to sleep, but my exhaustion eventually overwhelms me.

I am woken by a banging on the window. James has found a rather large pipe. Fearing for my life, I look around the room for a weapon. In the other side of the room, I see an emergency hammer. I break the glass, and wrestle it free. My fear grows like the spider-web forming on the window. I might as well go out with a fight. After what seems like hours, the glass breaks, and they come storming in.


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(此篇只谈短期趋势) 一,如图,周五在游资的推波助澜下,天成控股放量突破8月14日高点,暂时没有出




【1】作者简介麦克尔·罗奇格西(Geshe Michael Roach)一名受戒的佛教僧人,学习了22年之后,获得了格西(佛




第八节  “…学得还挺像,还有别的吗?”  陆婷生气时候的声线比平时低些,很容易辨别,准备良久标明自










