张云龙 | 坚持美好 走心慢生活 (中英双语) Leon Zhang | Sticking onto beauty in life; live with slow pa
2015-10-02 19:57:23 | 来源:新浪微博 | 投稿:锦沂呀 | 编辑:小柯

原标题:张云龙 | 坚持美好 走心慢生活 (中英双语) Leon Zhang | Sticking onto beauty in life; live with slow pa

张云龙 | 坚持美好 走心慢生活 (中英双语)

LeonZhang | Sticking onto beauty in life; live with slow pace yet full heartedly (bilingual)



Recently,Leon Zhang Yun-Long, Vengo Gao Wei- Guang, Bai Jing-Ting and Wei Da-Xun formeda “red tuxedo boy group” and made an appearance for ‘TrendsHealth’ SeptemberIssue, sincerely emphasizing on ‘take care of your heart health now’. Victimsof heart disease is getting younger in age range, love your heart starting nowwhile you are young, be responsible of yourself, and your family.

张云龙有句话透露着一份在他年纪不常见的成熟:“我喜欢看着或者追赶别人的背影, 因为这会让你向前, 让你找准方向,让你集中精力,然后用尽所有力气,在超越的一刹那,趁其不备,打他后脑勺。”

Leon has a saying that sounds moremature than his actual age. He says ‘I like looking or even chasing people frombehind, because this makes me move forward. It motivates me, make me focus anduse up all of my energy. That moment when I overtake the person, I can hit theback of his head when he is out of guard.’


The interviewer asked if he is the kind ofperson who prepares a lot so he could perform well, and would he usually use a humorouskind of way to deal with co-competition relationships. He just calmly statedthat he hopes life would be filled with challenges so there would be lessawkwardness.

但张云龙的人生里曾很多时候是尴尬的。他踢了 13 年足球,却尴尬到连一分钟都没有喜欢过;他很在乎朋友,却在退役那天,朋友一个个地“消失”;还有一次,退役那年他去参加一个选秀,在台上自己拿着木吉他演绎原创。上台后麦克风不出声,又紧张到连续弹错音,台下观众一波一波地离开,直到只剩他自己在台上尴尬地继续表演。“从那以后我就什么都不怕了,因为我已经够丢人了。”

However, Leon had a life filled withawkwardness. He had been playing soccer for 13 years and yet he awkwardly neverreally liked it even for just a minute throughout the years; he cares a lot forhis friends but when he quitted the soccer team, all of his friends ‘disappeared’;there was another time wherelse after he quitted the soccer team he went for anaudition and performed his self composed song with his acoustic guitar. When hewent up the stage, the microphone wasn’t working and he got nervous, he playeda few notes wrongly, the audience below the stage started leaving and finallyhe was left alone awkwardly performing on stage. He says ‘after that I wasnever afraid of anything anymore because it was embarrassing enough.’


Leon says, ina comic dialogue, one of them would be responsible for being funny while theother one would coordinate, he would most likely be the one who coordinates.Usually people who say this kind of statement are rather pitiful because theyconcern about other people’s feelings too much, too throughoutly. For instancehe would work hard for 13 years and lived another person’s dream life, until itbecame unendurable, that was when he decided to start anew by going onto thepaths he always wanted.


In this erawhere youngsters like to speak straightforwardly with sarcasm and hurtful words,Leon insisted on his way of speaking which was very polite. Although he had tosay something bad, regardless how close that person is, he would tell them in amore mannerable way. He was asked would he mind if anyone talks to him straightforwardlyabout his weakness, he said he would be unhappy but he will think about it.However in this nowadays society, those who speak the truths truthfully arevery little

张云龙怕尴尬, 心思细, 遇事不爱争吵。当别人回过头再来解决问题的时候,他那里的问题已经解决好了。“当他来找我聊的时候,其实我已经想通了。给台阶就一定要下来,于人于己都不尴尬,我早就不生气了,只是在等你过来。”

Leon is afraid of awkwardness; he is verydetailed and doesn’t like to be involved in fights and arguments. When others realizethe problem and turn back to solve it, Leon would be already there with hisproblems solved, ‘when people come to him to talk about the fight, he would havealready thought about it. When that person gives in slightly, then just forgivehim. This way it wouldn’t be awkward for both parties. I will not feel angry,im just waiting for that person to come to me.’

记得父母结婚的时候没有戒指,张云龙拍完人生中第一支广告挣了3500 块钱,恰好赶上寒假回家,就去商场买了个钻戒。买不起多贵的花了 2500 块买了只碎钻的,到家后在母亲生日的时候拿出戒指,说这是替父亲送的。母亲拿着左右不适应,不停说买这个干嘛也不实用,退回去好了,父亲不知道说什么说了句既然买了就戴着吧,场面很含蓄。中国人生命里总顽固地带着含蓄细胞,我们爱用这种含蓄滋生出来的不在乎,去化解那些感动和浪漫的气氛,内心反而是波澜的。

He recallsthat he parents didn’t have wedding rings when they got married, after Leonfilmed his first advertisement, he earned RMB3500 and managed to get home forwinter holiday. He went to the mall and bought a diamond ring. He couldn’tafford the expensive ones, so he spent RMB2500 and bought a diamond ring andgave it to his mother as a birthday present. He say he is giving it to her as areplacement of his father. His mother felt very awkward with it and asked hiswhy did he buy it and she didn’t need it. But his father said something likeshe should keep it. The scenario was vere conservative like a typical Chinese family.This is an attitude of most Chinese who likes to act like they didn’t mind tohide that happiness and romantic atmosphere. Deep inside they are actuallyexcited.


TH 你的健康困扰是?
张云龙::1. 背部肌肉有撕裂过; 2. 有时候会失眠。

TrendsHealth: What are your health concerns?

Leon: 1. My back muscle was torn once 2.I have insomnia sometimes

TH 你的解决办法是?


TH: How doyou relieve them?

Leon: Don’toverwork. Everyone has their limit; don’t be impatient just for the outcome.When you have insomnia, try not to take sleeping pills, emotions problem cannotbe solved completely by taking medication. Once i get onto my bed, I try not tothink too much about work or anything else that might stress myself. Bed is aplace to rest and sleep, therefore if I don’t think too much, then I could justgo to bed easily.

TH 有过心脏不适?

TH:You had heart problems?

Leon:Everytime I burn the midnight oil I will feel heart ache, it pumps fast and I getdizzy. At these times, I wouldn’t get up immediately; I would lie down for abit before I slowly get up. Getting up instantly can cause pressure to outbody.

TH 如果让你列举几个护心小常识,首先能想到的是?
张:1. 不要给自己太大压力; 2. 保证充足的睡眠和睡眠质量; 3. 适当的锻炼,适合个人身体强度的有氧运动 ; 4. 不要过度饮酒 ; 5. 倘若晚睡不要调闹钟惊醒自己。 熟睡时突然收到外界刺激,比如闹铃响起,交感神经会兴奋性增高,迷走神经兴奋性也很高。当交感神经抑制迷走神经时就会出现心悸,属于正常现象,机体没有适应过来。避免这样情况出现就是不要突然起床,先闭眼睛趟一会。比如你也可以做几次深呼吸, 让迷走神经兴奋, 可以抑制心悸。

TH: If youwere to give a few tips of protecting your heart, what would you think offirst?

Leon: 1. Don’t give yourself too much stress;2. Ensure enough sleep and quality of sleep 3.Work out regularly according toown abilities; 4, Do not over consume alcohol; 5. If you were to sleep late, don’tset alarm. When you are awakened by shock during deep sleep, thesudden noise triggers the body's protective 'fight or flight' response, pumpingup your adrenaline levels. Nervous system would get agiated as well. To avoidthis circumstances, you can close your eyes and breathe in a few times and calmyour responsive nervous system.


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