2017-06-23 09:47:33 | 来源:中时电子报 | 投稿:小柯 | 编辑:dations


Wuppo how to unlock hidden achievements? Must have a lot of game player knows this game has hidden achievements, but do not know what is specific, not to mention what methods to unlock, now small for everyone to bring hidden achievements unlock method, interested buddy quickly and see it!

Hidden achievement unlock method

The total number of hidden achievements in the game is 6

In the 3 Adventure Model

MudWrestler: jump in the pizza box and make yourself dirty

That'smyTV!: who stole your wum TV.

Whatareyoudoing: control the train and crash in the PopoCity. These three are in the adventure mode

The 3 one calls bossrush

BossRun:Noobie: go to practice mode and hit the big fish

There's no traffic light in BossRun:ObeyStoplight:Bossrush's Allboss

In BossRun:CleaningDuty:AllBoss, beat the DustBoss (huge dust ball) with that Berft2000 (that is Carlo's clean suit for you)

tags:解锁   成就   wuppo

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