2016-01-07 22:50:24 | 来源:新浪微博 | 投稿:艾芩Sonja | 编辑:小柯




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I love aircraft and the atmosphere at the airport, however I longed for more opportunities to interact with people face-to-face, especially those from different cities and cultures. I also admired the lifestyle of travellers and wanted to see more of the world. I knew that the Cabin Crew lifestyle was what I was looking for.How does your maintenance experience benefit your new role?My experience allows me to answer questions from co-workers and passengers about the technical aspects of aircraft, such as the aircraft model number or configuration, and the causes of various technical problems. I’m also able to fix minor issues in the cabin while we’re in the air, meaning that we don’t need to call maintenance crews for help.What has motivated you to develop your career with Dragonair?I have built great relationships with many Cabin Crew members; everyone is very nice. I also enjoy the flexibility of the rostering system. I believe that it will keep getting better and better, and this makes me feel great!What is the most rewarding thing about working for Dragonair?When people ask what my job is I say, “I am part of the Cabin Crew at Dragonair” and everyone knows what that means. Dragonair has a good reputation and that is something I feel really proud of!What have you gained from your career with Cabin Crew to date?I have gained many more interesting experiences to share with my family now, such as stories of celebrity encounters and of my travels to the Great Wall of China while on vacation. I’m grateful to be able to share the happiness of my travels with my family; it has helped to create a closer bond between us.What activities do you participate in that enrich your career and life?We have a basketball group that meets every two weeks. It can sometimes be difficult to get enough exercise in this job and so basketball is great for our fitness and concentration levels. I have also participated in many training activities that have taught me a lot about aviation, particularly aircraft and airline operation. Senior crew always try to teach us and answer questions and this has been great for my career development.How would you describe you career so far?Free, happy and always learning!

In the early stages of my Cabin Crew career, it was the realisation that I was learning so much! For example, I learned valuable skills for interacting with passengers, solving problems and neutralising conflicts. As time passed, the bond that I had with my colleagues grew stronger and my supervisors gave me more responsibility. I was excited to discover where my career would take me.What are some of the most rewarding parts of your role?I like being able to give a helping hand to my passengers, usually by making them feel at home and resolving some minor problems. I also like knowing that I’m playing a part in upholding Dragonair’s great reputation.How has being part of Cabin Crew assisted in your personal development?I have become more mature as a person, generally but also in specific areas. I have become more intuitive and skilled at communicating important messages to passengers, working with colleagues, and being a good leader. I’ve also learned to be a better listener by keeping an open mind.What activities do you participate in that enrich your work and personal life?Through the mentoring programme, I help junior colleagues to adapt to their personal situations as well as listen and share my experience with them. Through doing this I am helping to maintain our team’s efficiency and most importantly our morale.Can you describe your overall experience at Dragonair?It is the most challenging but educating job I have ever had. Each plane is full of passengers of different nationalities and ethnic backgrounds, age groups and genders. The world is also changing rapidly. These two factors combined allow us to be ever evolving and ready to adapt to the needs of our passengers.

I longed to escape from daily routine work and I knew that I would love working with people from different nationalities and cultures. I enjoy the satisfaction working as a team, as I believe that mutual commitment generates great performance.What are some of the most rewarding parts of your career?I have been able to spend time as an instructor on the Cabin Crew Training and Development team, which has allowed me to share my expertise and flying experiences with colleagues and new recruits in the classroom. I also enjoy the unique opportunities to visit other countries and cities while working. That is what I find most rewarding.How has being part of Cabin Crew assisted in your development?Being part of the Cabin Crew is challenging and rewarding. Every day I meet and work alongside people from different walks of life. Every flight is unique. I am able to build a strong social network and connect with people from across the airline, which may be useful for future career development.What activities do you participate in that enrich your work and personal life?I was able to join in the fun at the 57th Assembly of Presidents of the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines Gala Dinner by being one of the dancers in a stunning opening performance to welcome guests. I have been break dancing for years; this was such a remarkable opportunity to be back on the stage.What do you think about Dragonair as an employer?I can proudly say Dragonair is a preferred employer serving Hong Kong and beyond. It’s a company that respects and supports its employees; it develops their strengths and encourages them to pursue their dreams.

Working alongside my classmates, my lifelong buddies. They’re not just colleagues, they’re also my family. I am so blessed, it is such an honour to experience every precious moment together. I hope that our friendship stays evergreen.How has being part of Cabin Crew assisted in your development?I continually try to improve myself, and facing different challenges and serving people from a wide range of countries every day helps me to achieve that. A positive attitude is essential for dealing with the demands of the role. We’re not only service providers but also safety officers, and this has helped me to become more detail-oriented as the smallest change can make a big difference on board. The role has helped me to become a more intuitive person and more enlightened, as I’m exposed to diverse perspectives and points of view.Can you describe your overall experience at Dragonair?I am proud to be part of Dragonair. I have learned a lot from my colleagues and from many valuable practical experiences. I have grown and become far more confident when dealing with different situations.

I chose this career upon graduating from university because of the opportunities it gives me to interact with people from all over the world and learn about their cultures, personal stories and languages. I get to meet 200 passengers on each flight and sometimes even become their friend!A role in the Cabin Crew team also allows me to use my creativity to make my passengers feel comfortable and happy, and to give them a memorable experience.How has being part of Cabin Crew assisted in your development?I’ve been supported to continuously develop my customer service skills, aviation knowledge and professional airline career. This includes being given valuable experiences in different areas such as corporate communications and roster focus groups. In 2014, I was involved in an in-flight sales competition in the United Kingdom, which enriched my product knowledge and social networking skills.What is the most rewarding part of your career?The harmonious culture between colleagues. We always respect and support each other. One of the most memorable interactions that I have had was when a senior staff member told my team that she will never blame anyone when something goes wrong, as we all have the chance to make mistakes and to learn and grow from those experiences.What activities do you participate in that enrich your work and personal life?I have studied Spanish for the past two years to enrich my language skills. I hope to become a good communicator and translator both at work and in my personal life. I also do lots of travel while on annual leave, to broaden my horizons and increase my exposure to different countries’ cultures. So far I have visited over 20 countries!Can you describe your overall experience at Dragonair?Being part of Cabin Crew turns you into a culturally sensitive and highly trained professional service provider. You will feel great harmony in the work environment and learn to become a good team player and decision maker.贝茨教育QQ:2451443992Tel:028-86663164


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