2015-12-25 17:50:14 | 来源:新浪微博 | 投稿:有有妈亲子阅读 | 编辑:小柯



Tooth, Tooth, Throw it onto the Roof


Story and Illustration by Liu Xun

关键词:换牙 邻里 老巷子 城市变迁 童年记忆

Keywords: growing permanent teeth; neighborhood; old valley; city development;

childhood memories

午睡的时候妞妞的门牙掉了,爷爷说上门牙掉了要赶紧把它扔到屋顶上,这样以后就能长得高。妞妞穿过熟悉的巷子去找爷爷帮自己扔牙齿 :头顶飘着晾晒的衣服,小孩子们在弄堂里追逐玩耍,大人们边做事边聊天,还有理发的、卖金鱼的、爆米花的……妞妞找到了爷爷,爷爷说,老屋很快就要被拆了,就像乳牙掉了会长出新牙来,这里会盖起高楼。那会怎样一种生活呢?这本书通过掉牙这件日常小事描绘出一派亲切的市井生活和城市的变迁,对孩子成长的期许、对新生活的忧虑和期待、对老屋和巷子生活的留恋,交织在一起,美丽而忧伤。






Little girl Niuniu lost her front tooth during naptime. Grandpa says that if one wants to grow taller in the future, one’s upper jaw tooth should be thrown onto the roof upon falling off. Niuniu passed the alleys familiar to her to find Grandpa to throw the tooth onto the roof of their old house together. The clothes are hanging on the roof, children are chasing each other in the alley, adults are chatting while doing chores, and the barber, the goldfish merchant and the popcorn stand are doing their businesses… Niuniu found Grandpa. Grandpa said that the old house is about to be torn down. But just like new tooth will grow, there will be new buildings rising. What will the life be like? This picture book managed to record the details and the moments of transition and change through the story of a child growing her permanent teeth and the illustration of the life in the old alleys of the old town and the customs of childhood, expressing the lament on the traditional houses and life styles diminishing with urbanization.

★2014 Shanghai Excellent Children's Book

★The 4th Feng Zikai Children Illustration Book Award Great Book Award

★The 8th Eastern China Book Design Biennial 2nd Prize

★Nominated for China Original Picture Books 100+


Daddy, Here Comes the Moon

魏捷/文 夏欣欣工作室/图

Story by Wei Jie; Illustration by Xia Xinxin Studio

关键词:月亮 中秋夜 爱的信使

Keywords: Moon; Mid-Autumn Festival; messenger of love


This Mid-Autumn festival, Daddy went on a business trip to the north. I and my mother miss him. What can I do to make daddy not feeling lonely? I asked the moon to send a post card bearing the thoughts of mine and my mother to daddy! The moon flown over the buildings, over the fields, over the big planes, and over the orchid… bring joy and warmth along the journey, and finally arrived at the distant city of north where daddy is.Daddy is enjoying the view of the moon in the balcony waiting for it to arrive. Though the family members are separated, but seeing the moon above at the same time, making it feels like the members are together.




Story and Photo by Fu Xinhua

关键词:可爱的小生命 生长和爱情 梦幻摄影

Keywords: adorable little life form; growth and love; dreamy phtography


The book features fireflies in their different life stages, from eggs to glowworms, from pupae to adults, and from laying eggs to mating, told in poetic language and vivid stories, telling people that the firefly expresses love through glowing light, which is also used for warning enemies. Though small in size they may be, they produce charming lights, decorating the summer night through their short life. This is one of the few exquisite original picture books in China. Fu Xinhua, author of the book, is a leading scholar of firefly in China. The book is filled with romance and fairy tale language, presenting the readers a feast of magnificent vision and an exciting symphony of life.


General Huh and General Hah

杨海林/文 林豆子工作室/图

Story by Yang Hailin; Illustration by Lin Douzi Studio

关键词:经典神话人物 自我认知 母爱

Keywords: classical myth character; self-recognition; the love of mother


General Huh has a pair of big eyes, looking handsome in some way. With his look, he got himself a security job at the Jade Emperor. Little did he know that there’s another security who looks just like him. They had a fight upon encounter, and forgot who they are. Even the gods can’t tell their difference. But their mother recognized them in a glance. That’s how wonderful mother is! The story is adapted from myth with humorous style, love, and unique paper carving picture.


Wow! Large Bookshelf!

陆亚军/文 何谦/图

Story by Lu Yajun; Illustration by He Qian

关键词:阅读的故事 书的魅力和力量

Keywords; story to read; the beauty and power of book


People of different identities, ages appearing one by one doing the same thing: picking a book he need from a large bookshelf. Thus begin a series of stories of about people and their books. No one knows who will take the next book or what will happen for reading the book. What is in the book? What will happen? As books are picking out from the shelf, the little book is beginning to have the answer…




Story and Illustration by Liu Xun

关键词:清明节 扫墓 谜语 思念

Keywords: Tomb-Sweeping Day; sweep tomb; riddle; reminiscence


I was raised up by Grandma in the countryside. My grandma likes to make everything familiar to her into riddle and dare me to guess. I like the riddles, even though I don’t know the answer. The tomb-sweeping day is approaching. It always rain on tombsweeping day. I came back to my hometown with my father and saw my grandma sitting beside the stove, along the field, on the bridge, and watching me flying kite. Grandma says she wanted to spend a day with me. I see her on this day and feel her presence.The experience itself is a riddle I can’t solve. But I guess love and reminiscence is the answer.


New House


Story and Illustration by Zhou Hongmin

关键词:古法建造 皖南风情 家的气息

Keywords: ancient building; Anhui scenes; feeling of home


When summer comes, Father chopped down the cedar tree in front of the house to build new house. During the construction, the workers first build the base, then wood frames, and finally a house is built. Seeing the new house rising and becoming more and more beautiful every day, people are more hopeful about their future life. House represents home. And for the children, it is a new beginning…

11 只灰雁往南飞


吴烜/文 张乐/图

Story by Wu Xuan; Illustration by Zhang Le

关键词:东经110度线 中国地理 壮美河山

Keywords: 100 degrees east longitude; China geography;

beautiful scene

10 月,有11 只灰雁开始了它们一路向南的迁徙。它们飞过草原、峡谷、山脉、沙漠和河流,飞过黄土高原的窑洞,飞过土家族的柚子林……一路领略疆土的广袤壮美,一路观赏各种地形地貌和风土人情,一路团结协作、克服种种危险和困难,终于抵达目的地——温暖的南方。这本书帮助孩子建立对中国地形地貌的初步认识,带着他们与灰雁同飞,作了一次纸上的飞行,沿着东经110 度线,由北往南,穿越美丽中国!

In October, only 11 grey wild geese begin their migration to south. They flew over the field, the valley, the mountain, the desert, the river, the cave on plateau, and over the forest… Along the journey they saw beautiful landscape, the people and their culture. And they help each other tackle all difficulties. Finally they arrive at their destination—the south. The book is a rough introduction to the landscape of China through the eyes of the grey wild geese along 100 degrees east longitude from the north to the south.


The Legend Mad Monk:

Transporting Wood with Old Well


Story and Illustration by Liang Chuan

关键词:民间传说 机智 法力 诙谐

Keywords: folk lore; intelligent; sorcery; humor


Mad Monk Ji Gong is a known Chinese character who looks mad and drinks a lot, but nice and intelligent, wielding sorceries helping the weak and punishing the bad. Transporting Wood with Old Well is one of the famous legends. It’s said the actual wood is still in a temple in Hangzhou. Folk lore is exaggerated fact told mouth to mouth. The Mad Monk is one of them. The book uses vivid colors to illustrate Ji Gong’s sorcery and its wits. All the characters in the book are interesting. The books uses an unique new way of story-telling to tell the old tale.




Story and Illustration by He Qian

关键词:飞行 幽默 科学 梦想 友情

Keywords: fly humor science dream friendship


As everyone know,in the farmhouse,where living a rooster that carries the dream of fly ,and he believed that just stick to it ,he would fly . After many failures, his friends decided to help him to realize his desire. In under the leadership of a knowledgeable goat, he and the other partners experimented with all kinds of aircraft, but failed again. In spite of this, the rooster didn’t give up his dream. In this picture book, through experiment had done by the rooster and his partners ,we review some of the great flight attempt in human history .This is a scientific and humorous picture book.


















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